News — Spring Launch

Spring in Level 3...New Bears seen out Picnicking $45 off Newbies

collectible teddy bears Collectibles Spring Launch

Spring in Level 3...New Bears seen out Picnicking $45 off Newbies

Kia Ora and welcome all to our continued life in Lockdown, here at Oakdale Farm in Auckland. Luka (the crazy Aussie Terrier) Robin & I have been out picking daffodils but with the arrival of Spring, sadly another upsurge in Co-Vid19 on our shores. We have been very lucky here in NZ with very low numbers over the past year but with the Delta variant it seems the bears need to help get our vaccinated numbers up before we can get out and about again. We're all working very hard to get everyone vaccinated so we can get out to...

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Hurray!  Robin Rive Teddy Bears Springing out of Hibernation! 

kiwicurio Robin Rive bears Spring Launch Teddy Bears

Hurray!  Robin Rive Teddy Bears Springing out of Hibernation! 

Spring is in the air, here in Aoteoroa, New Zealand. The daffodils are out, the bees are buzzing around the Manuka flowers at Oakdale Farm and we're all feeling bouncy.  To celebrate the end of a chilly Southern Winter, our bears have shaken themselves awake, got all spruced up and are keen to introduce you to their new family members.

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